My photo
Professional hair, make up, and wardrobe stylist based in the greater San Francisco bay area.


Styling rates and packages

This is a fresh, new website for my styling services, so please be patient as I develop packages and rates for you.

Please email me using the "email" link in the black navigation bar at the top.

Thank you!!

UPDATE: For California clients only the following rates apply:

Basic styling for portrait sessions: starts at $250.00
Half-day full styling for portrait sessions: starts at $500.00
This is the deal you want...please email me for more information!
Wedding-day styling: please email for details and package information.


Anonymous said...

Your work is simply breathtaking....I hope next time I'm in town visiting my little wreckless girl we can meet!!

Tia Reagan said...

:) you should come visit us michelle!!!! we're all right here in the same building!